Recursos para jóvenes, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes
We know how much effort our educators are putting into teaching and taking care of Georgia's students. We also know it is vital to take care of yourself. Check out the resources below for some information and tips!
Planning for the next normal at school
Kaiser permanente
This playbook helps think about and address the various health dimensions for students, staff, teachers, and families as you embark on the "next normal" at school. It features sections on mental health and well-being and specifically staff and teacher well-being. Also check out this accompanying video!
Educators resource bank
alliance for a healthier generation
A variety of guides, trainings, and tips on stress management, finding balance, gratitude, strategies to support staff during COVID-19, dealing with the remote and distant world, and much more.
WEllness guides
emory university school of medicine
From an interprofessional group of mental health professionals, these wellness guides are offered with the aim of helping people cope with the COVID-19 pandemic during this unsettling time. Some of these wellness guides have been translated into Spanish as well.